Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Straight Democratic Ticket, Please!

Straight democratic ticket, please!

At first they couldn't find my name on the voter registration list.  If your name isn't there, you can't get a ballot.  
I stood.  I am a metaphorical daughter of  Louisa May Alcott, the suffragists, Margaret Sanger, Willa Cather, Bess Streeter Aldrich, Eleanor Roosevelt, Lillian Hellman, and Betty Friedan.  

I have always been responsive to Bob Marley, too:

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight!

I didn't really think they would stop me from voting.  I have never had any problems, though the glitches at the polls in Pennsylvania, where election officials were allowed by a state law to ask voters for a photo ID, though they could not stop voters without IDs from voting, had given me a small nervous breakdown.
They found my name.

"What would you have done if you couldn't find it?"

"Sometimes a person is at the wrong precinct.  Sometimes we register them to vote."

I had a residual sense of panic, because I do not have a photo ID, and it might have been a hassle to register, even though they can't require a photo ID.

I always vote. In 2000 I was so ill when I dragged myself to the polls to vote for Gore that a friend said, "Oh my God, is that you?"  My feeling was, Yes, it's me, but I'd better vote fast or I'm going to fall down.  

If one doesn't vote, one is responsible for all the shit that happens. This year there have been important congressional races, judges to consider, and other important issues.

I am especially concerned about the environment in the wake of hurricanes, floods, tornados, and the rest.
Fingers crossed, everybody.   

I am pro-choice and I vote.  I am pro-health care and I vote.  I am pro-environmental protection and I vote.  I am pro-bicycling and I vote.  I am pro-electric car and I vote. 


  1. Good for you! I don't know about the history of voting in America, but here men, as well as women, struggled for a secret ballot and universal suffrage. Thanks to them we have a vote, and we should use it.

  2. Yes, the history of voting here is of course complicated too. Votes for women! Well, they're not trying to stop that, but there's still a suffrage movement in that we have to watch people who try to stop minorities from voting.

    Thank God it's over for another few years!

  3. I feel so strongly about voting that next week I am going to deliberately spoil a ballot in a vote that I don't think should be taking place by writing on it that that is what I am doing. I could just stay at home but for me that isn't what suffrage is about. What was wonderful (although no doubt annoying for those involved) was to see all the queues of people waiting to vote. I wish we could get voters out in that number here in the UK.

  4. Ah, Frisbee. I too was a little nervous when I walked to the poll because I had made a change to my information and I was afraid that somehow my name would not be on the rolls. I was ready to fight, but of course all was well and I didn't even have to stand in line although standing in line to vote would be considered a privilege in many countries.

    As women, we are doubly privileged to vote.

    Here is my Election Day post:


  5. Alex, using your ballot to write about what you don't like sounds pretty good to me. it's crazy here, though, so I needed my votes.

    Belle, thank God we got to vote! Yes, there was re-districting (if that's what it's called), but it was pretty well-organized . Fewer people wandering around with their secret ballots looking for a pen.
