Sunday, July 17, 2011

Notes on My Vacation and Borders

You get up at dawn on vacation.   Since your husband is up at 7, he thinks you should be up at 7.  He says the two of you must take a bike ride before it gets too hot.   IT WILL BE 97 DEGREES BY NOON.

You say you won't ride without coffee, and point out that even the Deathless Man in Tea Obreht's The Tiger's Wife gets to drink coffee. Your husband says you should sell The Tiger's Wife

Starbucks at 7:30 isn't much as much fun as you'd hoped. You read in bed till 3 and didn't expect to get up till 10.  There are a lot of people in suits, looking as crusty-eyed and exhausted as you feel.  (Don't they wish they were going on a bike ride at 7:30.)

Then you realize you don't have to bike ANYWHERE unless he drives you to Borders afterwards.  He agrees.

Borders.  Our Borders closed recently, and I just read at Reuters:

Borders Group Inc inched closer to liquidation on Sunday after a bidding deadline passed without offers, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.

Bids for the second-largest U.S. book store retailer Borders were due at 5 p.m. Eastern Time Sunday ahead of a bankruptcy court auction scheduled for Tuesday, the paper said.

I inhaled Borders, have missed it the last few months, was happy with the ambiance, noted the number of people hanging out in the cafe, and felt sad that  it will probably be the last time we're in a Borders store.  The book selection is small now:  no more Trollope, no John Sayles, and much more pop lit.  Some plastic plants by the information desk were partly wrapped up in garbage bags.  Somebody was taking books OFF the shelf.  

They did have the book I wanted, though. 


  1. I am going to start using 'even the Deathless Man gets to drink coffee' and citing 'people familiar with the matter' to justify all manner of shenanigans.

  2. LOL! Apparently the Deathless Man didnt get out of biking, though, because I had to do 20 miles...

  3. Flann O'Brian's centenary. Have you read 'At Swim-Two-Birds'? What an excellent book.

  4. Today (7/21) the heat index was 117 degrees. Would your husband bike ride in this kind of heat? Ellen

  5. Tony, I haven't read any Flann O'Brien, but I'll start with At Swim Two Birds if I can find it. I need to read some 20th century classics.

    Ellen, yes, alas, my husband bikes in all weather. He is from another planet as far as biking is concerned. He usually gets up early and does it, but one day he biked in 97-degree weather and came home just fine. Three water bottles did it for him.

    I have less stamina.
